Dental Fillings

Dental Fillings: Don’t Let Cavities Go Untreated

Cavities are more than just minor inconveniences; they can lead to serious dental issues if left untreated. Dental fillings offer a simple and effective solution to halt the progression of decay and restore the integrity of your teeth. By opting for dental fillings, you’re not only preventing further damage but also ensuring your ability to chew, speak, and smile comfortably. At Genesis Dental, our Flower Mound, TX dentist, Dr. Madeleine Zhao, offers dental fillings to help you say goodbye to the discomfort and potential complications of untreated cavities.

At Genesis Dental, we offer high-quality dental fillings that will help restore your teeth to their natural shape and function. Don’t let cavities or decay damage your smile any further – schedule an appointment by calling (972) 355-2424. 

What Are Dental Fillings?

Dental fillings are used to restore and repair teeth that have been affected by decay or damage. When considering dental filling materials, patients have a variety of options including gold, porcelain, and composite resin, each with its own advantages and considerations. When a tooth develops a cavity, a small hole caused by decay, a dental filling is used to fill the cavity and prevent further decay or infection. They restore the form and function of the tooth, allowing for better oral health.

Different Types of Dental Fillings

There are various types of dental fillings, some not as used as others. Types of dental fillings may include:

  • Amalgam Fillings: Also known as silver fillings or dental amalgams, these are made of a mixture of metals, including silver, tin, copper, and mercury. They’re durable and have been used for many years, with regulatory bodies like the FDA and the American Dental Association assessing them as safe. Despite concerns about mercury vapor release, their safety, including the low risk of amalgam allergies and procedures for maintaining and replacing deteriorating fillings, is well-documented. However, their silver color makes them more noticeable, which can be a concern for some patients.
  • Composite Fillings: Made of a mixture of plastic and glass particles, composite fillings are tooth-colored fillings that blend in with the natural teeth, making them a popular choice for visible areas of the mouth. The application process involves layering the composite material, using a special light to harden each layer, and then shaping and polishing for the final restoration. They bond directly to the tooth structure, providing good support, but are less durable than amalgam fillings and may need to be replaced over time.
  • Ceramic Fillings: These fillings are made of porcelain or ceramic materials. They’re tooth-colored and offer excellent aesthetics. Ceramic fillings are highly resistant to staining and are well-suited for areas of the mouth that require strength and durability.
  • Gold Fillings: Gold fillings are made of gold alloy, which is a mixture of gold and other metals like silver and copper. They’re highly durable and can last for many years. Gold fillings are custom-made in a dental laboratory and are more expensive compared to other types of fillings.
  • Glass Ionomer Fillings: These fillings are a mixture of acrylic and glass materials. They release fluoride, which helps to prevent further tooth decay. Glass ionomer fillings are often used in children or for non-load bearing areas of the teeth.

Choosing Your Dental Filling Materials

To determine the best dental filling for you, it is important to consult with your Flower Mound dentist. Factors to consider include:

  • Location of the tooth
  • Extent of decay or damage
  • How much sound tooth structure remains, as this is crucial in deciding whether an inlay, onlay, or another type of filling is most appropriate.
  • Aesthetic concerns
  • Allergies or sensitivities
  • Cost
  • Dentist’s recommendation

Benefits of Dental Fillings

How to Maintain a Healthy Smile in Your Golden Years

Dental fillings offer several benefits for oral health and overall well-being. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Decay removal
  • Tooth preservation
  • Restored function
  • Pain relief
  • Improved aesthetics
  • Durability
  • Quick procedure
  • Minimal Sensitivity
  • Prevents tooth fractures
  • Cost effective

Dental Fillings Process

The dental filling process involves several steps to restore a tooth affected by a cavity.

Initially, your Flower Mound dentist will numb the area around the tooth to ensure comfort during the procedure. In some cases, a temporary filling may be placed to protect the tooth before a permanent filling is ready. Temporary fillings are not designed to last long, typically needing replacement with a permanent filling within a month to avoid complications. Next, they will use a dental drill or laser to remove the decayed portion of the tooth, leaving a clean and prepared area. Once the decay is removed, the dentist will carefully shape the cavity to create space for the filling material. The chosen filling material, such as composite resin, amalgam, or porcelain, is then placed into the prepared cavity and shaped to match the natural contours of the tooth. The filling is hardened using a curing light.

After ensuring the proper fit and bite alignment, Dr. Zhao will make any necessary adjustments. Patients with a newly filled tooth might experience sensitivity or require adjustments if there are issues with the bite. The final step involves polishing the filling to achieve a smooth and natural appearance. The result is a restored tooth that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing, while preventing further decay and maintaining the overall oral health of the patient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do dental fillings hurt?

The process of getting a dental filling is usually painless. Before beginning the procedure, the dentist will administer a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. This ensures that you won’t feel any pain during the cavity removal or filling placement. Some patients might experience mild discomfort or sensitivity after the anesthesia wears off, but this is temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How long do dental fillings last?

The lifespan of a dental filling varies depending on factors such as the type of material used, the location of the filling, and the individual’s oral hygiene habits. Amalgam fillings can last for decades, while composite resin fillings might need replacement after around 5 to 10 years. Regular dental check-ups can help monitor the condition of your fillings and detect any signs of wear or damage, ensuring timely maintenance or replacement if necessary.

Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with dental fillings?

Dental fillings are a routine and safe procedure, but there can be some side effects. Some patients might experience temporary sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, especially right after getting the filling. Allergic reactions to filling materials are rare but possible. If you notice persistent pain, discomfort, or changes in your bite after getting a filling, it’s important to contact your dentist.

Restore Your Smile: Combat Tooth Decay with Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are necessary for restoring the health, function, and aesthetics of our teeth. Whether it’s addressing cavities, reinforcing tooth structure, or enhancing smiles, the process of getting a filling is a routine yet essential dental procedure. If you’re experiencing any dental discomfort or suspect you might need a filling, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Flower Mound, TX dentist for a thorough examination. Your oral health journey begins with proper care, and dental fillings are an integral part of that journey. Schedule an appointment today by calling Genesis Dental at (972) 355-2424 to take the first step toward maintaining your radiant smile and overall well-being.